

Did you know? Acupuncture might be covered under your insurance plan.
Here is a list of the companies we currently accept.
  • Highmark (BCBS)
  • Univera
  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Humana
  • Fidelis/Wellcare
  • Magnacare
  • NYS No-Fault
  • HSA and Flex accounts
  • And many others (please call us to verify)
Please be sure to check your specific plan details for your acupuncture benefits. Also, we offer a discount if your plan does not cover acupuncture or if you do not have insurance.

Acupuncture is also a covered benefit under most wellness cards, health savings and flex spending accounts.

Call us anytime during normal business hours for more details.
Our friendly staff will help with all of your insurance needs.