More and More Insurance Policies Are Covering Acupuncture. Call your insurance companies to find out if your policy covers acupuncture. When you call, be sure to ask the following questions: 1. Does my policy cover acupuncture (if the answer is yes, then) 2. How many visits do I have for the current calendar year? 3. Is there a copay? And if yes, how much? 4. Are there any deductibles I had to fulfill before coverage?
HERE IS A LIST OF THE COMPANIES WE CURRENTLY ACCEPT (if your policy covers acupuncture).• Highmark (BCBS)• Univera• Aetna• Cigna• Humana• Fidelis/Wellcare• Magnacare• HSA and Flex accounts• And many others (please call us to verify)
WE DO OFFER A DISCOUNT IF YOUR PLAN DOES NOT COVER ACUPUNCTURE OR IF YOU DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE.Acupuncture is also a covered benefit under most wellness cards, health savings and flex spending accounts.CALL US ANYTIME (including weekends) FOR MORE DETAILS.OUR FRIENDLY STAFF WILL HELP WITH ALL OF YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS.