Here is a list of our most commonly asked acupuncture questions
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine which involves the insertion of fine disposable needles into a person’s skin at specific points (called meridians) of the body. This is to stimulate and manipulate the flow of energy—also called Qi and pronounced as “Chi”. Acupuncture began in China almost seven thousand years ago and still widely used today as an accepted form of conservative treatment.
Is acupuncture the only modality of treatments in Chinese medicine?
Acupuncture is one of the modalities of treatments in Chinese medicine, However, it is the most well-known modality in the United States. Chinese medicine dates back thousands of years and has acumulated a complete set of treatment methods (modalities) such as acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Tuina, Guasha and uniquely Chinese herbal medicine. Dr. Lisa Li is an authentic Chinese medical doctor so she can perform all forms of Chinese treatment modalities. Dr. Lisa will suggest other methods of treatment to you if she feels you need it. She will guide you to find the right treatment modalities for you and your problem. Prices for other treatments may vary depending on the complexity of problem and the number of problems being treated. All of this will be discussed with you before beginning any treatment.
How should I prepare for the visit?
- Here are some of the ways you can prepare for your first acupuncture visit.
- Patients should arrive at our office at least ten minutes before their first treatment to fill out a brief patient history form.
- Please make sure to bring your insurance card and official ID to your first appointment. We cannot verify your insurance plan without this information.
- Comfortable and breathable clothing with easily removable footwear should be worn, if possible.
- Diagnostic imaging and tests are always welcome but are not necessary to be seen. A list of current medications and supplements is also helpful to have with you.
- We accept all forms of payments, but check or cash are preferred.
Should I stop other treatments or medications while having acupuncture?
- This is not needed nor recommended. Traditional Chinese medicine treatments, including the herbal medicine used in our office, do not cause adverse side effects or complications with western medicine. We work with your current treatments and are happy to work with your doctors. Always speak with your primary care physician first before stopping any form of treatment or medication.